Energy Audit Program proves Mechanical Insulation saves money

Pete Ielmini, Executive Director of the Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the LMCT’s new Mechanical Insulation Energy Audit Program. He also provided a progress update on the Federal Mechanical Insulation Act. 

The Mechanical Insulation Audit Energy Program aims to provide energy consumers with concrete data that proves the benefits of Mechanical Insulation – documenting that it saves energy consumers money, helps the environment and increases the lifespan of mechanical systems. 

With the MIEAP, wasted energy is demonstrated in the form of dollars, BTUs and the amount of greenhouse gas emitted from a lack of Mechanical Insulation or Mechanical Insulation deficiencies. 

The LMCT recently hired two individuals to train Insulators Union officers, Insulator Union members and Insulators Union signatory contractors how to conduct the energy audit and disseminate the appropriate data. They will also be tasked with building the program and spreading awareness about it to different industries.

Ielmini believes the program will help energy consumers and building managers better understand why Mechanical Insulation is an essential resource for them. 

Federal Mechanical Insulation Act update 

Ielmini also provided an update on the status of the Federal Mechanical Insulation Act. The FMIA continues to receive bipartisan support and he believes it will likely be pushed through Congress by the end of 2023. 

If passed and signed into law, the legislation would ensure that energy audits performed on all federal buildings include Mechanical Insulation. The FMIA would generate an increase of work hours and improve working conditions drastically for union Insulators. 

Originally reintroduced into the House by Rep. Linda T. Sanchez (D-Calif.) and Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas), the legislation is finally starting to see some traction. 

Currently, a few Senators are interested in sponsoring a companion version of the bill and will likely commit to sponsorship next month, Ielmini said. 

Listen to the podcast for more information about these topics.


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