Pete Ielmini, Executive Director of the Mechanical Insulators Labor Management Cooperative Trust (LMCT), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the status of two bills promoting Mechanical Insulation that were introduced to Congress.
The first bill was in production for over a year before it was introduced. It includes 26 co-sponsors, both Republicans and Democrats. Ielmini said both bills have received an overwhelming amount of bipartisan support.
The bill will require federal buildings have a Mechanical Insulation audit performed every four years, along with other pre-existing energy audit requirements.
“We are also working on the Senate version of the legislation and are hopeful it will be announced within the next month,” Ielmni said. “The goal of 2024 is to get the bill on the president's desk so he can sign it into law.”
Ielmini is hopeful that once facility managers see the tremendous savings from the Energy Act, they will act on it and be able to provide service that will have a return on investment of less than two years.
“The goal is to produce more commerce and put more of our Brothers and Sisters to work,” Ielmini said.
The Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act is the second bill that was introduced a couple of months ago.
This bill will significantly reduce U.S. energy consumption by supporting Mechanical Insulation installation across the country, improving energy efficiency, creating good-paying jobs and taking the necessary steps to protect the environment.
The proposed tax incentive will also be provided to anybody who is going to install mechanical insulation.
Ending remarks
Ielmini then transitioned the conversation to Firestopping and explained the importance to AWF host Ed “Flash” Ferenc. He explains that Firestopping is a priority and is a technology and industry best suited for insulators to perform.
“It’s a shame Firestopping isn’t used in every building,” Ielmini said. “It goes beyond saving money, it saves lives.”
Then Ielmini and Ferenc ended the podcast talking about how the HFIAW advocates for mental health.
Ielmini talked about the Insulators Union Member Assistance Program that General President Terry Larkin recently implemented. The MAP program provides resources for not only members but also their family members on mental wellness, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse and more.
Listen to the whole interview: